Monday, September 8, 2014

Pre-Oslo Days

We (Asta and Sten) have been given a wonderful opportunity for the next ten months to live in Oslo, Norway. Sten has a research fellowship funded by the Centre for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, and Asta will be teaching an online class, an off-campus class, and has been given some research funding from the Office of Scholarly Research at her university back home to work on a research writing project here in Oslo. This blog is our way of sharing our experiences and images with family and friends. Enjoy.

Sten left a week before I did.  Here are the compulsory "leaving" photos.

During the next week, Ivan and I enjoyed visits from family from Denmark, Virginia, and Chicago.  Here are a couple photos from that time together.  We shared many delicious meals (thanks to everyone for helping with that) and Mor (Sten's mother) got to see several of her grandchildren.

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